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About Us

Hello and thanks for checking out Critters Pet Shop.

Running our store is fun. We have done this for over 35 years and we never get tired of critters or our great customers and their pets. We have lots of animals and fish tanks at our store, healthy natural pet foods and great selection of cool products that we personally research. We listen to our customers and often bring in new things by request. 

Our staff consists of animal enthusiasts who enjoy working with people and love pets. They are a dedicated group and knowledgeable and willing to spend time caring for pets and sharing their love of animals with you. We hope you will support family run businesses like ours. These are the kind of stores that make a town unique. Next time you are searching for a furry or scaly friend, come to Critters.  If your pet needs a new toy or some healthy natural food we hope you will think of us first! 

Valentine's Day of 1988 was our first day in business as owners of "Critters Pet Shop". We visited St.Charles to buy property in the country but we ended up buying a pet store instead.  Both of us are avid animal lovers so our goal was to own a full service pet store like we grew up with.  One that was family friendly and cultivated a love and respect for pets. 

Originally, the store was located in downtown St. Charles across from the fire station and owned by a fireman.  Then, it was purchased by a school teacher and called "Linda's Little Critters".  Critters is one of the oldest independent full line pet shops in the area and part of the community for nearly 40 years. It has been voted one of Kane County Best Pet Stores for countless years.

Critters is well known in the industry as the recipient of the 2000 PetAge Pet Store make-over. A unique collaborative project supported by a variety of organizations and twenty leading pet industry manufacturers.

The Janczak family and the dedicated staff at Critters thank you for shopping and supporting this independent family owned business.  

                            Critters are a lifelong passion of ours.  

               enlightened * Click here for a family radio message. *




Our Mission:

We match people with pets.

We treat animals and people with respect.

We strive to be your favorite pet store.

A clean store that has healthy animals.

To sell only the best in natural pet foods.

To be a store that is fun to visit.

To offer excellent customer service.

Photos from our rescue album.


Open 7 days - Call 224-856-5780



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